“I'm immeasurably grateful to have taken your course. In all honesty I believe it was the beginning of a life-altering manifestation for myself.”
Hi Bruce,
I was listening to the "By Land" podcast you were a guest on and felt compelled to write you a message expressing my gratitude for your course and the profound effect it has had on me.
I jumped headfirst into hunting preparation after leaving Kettle Falls last June. I bought a bow, backpack and some basic gear. I spent a lot of time shooting and familiarizing myself with my bow. I also spent a lot of time going through maps, talking with rangers and scouting on the weekends.
Although being a fairly competent backpacker, I quickly learned I was not the Jeremiah Johnson I imagined myself to be. I trudged through endless sticker burrs that could've been avoided, accidentally walked in poison oak after sundown, filtered water from some questionable sources and even had a close encounter with a rattlesnake while taking what I thought was a shortcut through willow thickets. Despite these inconveniences along with plenty of other missteps this past season, I always found myself lying in bed after I had returned home and thinking fondly of my adventures.
Not every outing was a comedy of errors. The day before archery opener, I backpacked a few miles into the John Muir wilderness and set up camp around 8000 feet. Opening morning, I ran into a group of bucks within 10 minutes of first light. I thought I was a hunting prodigy. Not so fast, kid. I misjudged the thermals as they were still pushing down early in the morning. As quickly as I had encountered the bucks, they winded me and went bounding down the side of the mountain as I helplessly watched. I swear they dropped 1000 feet in elevation in about 20 seconds. I didn't run into another deer the remaining four days I spent on the mountain.
I didn't leave this experience feeling like I failed. Heck, I spent a total of about 21 days hunting this first season and didn't take a buck. I still think of my time spent as a success.
So, what's the point of hunting? Is it simply being present in the moment and having a human experience? I don't know the answer.
I can say there were moments alone in the mountains when I was exuberant, frightened, invigorated and dog-tired. There were times I was impatient and frustrated and other times I felt like the luckiest person on the entire planet. All I was doing was existing.
I wish I could elegantly summarize my experiences. I know being in the wilderness puts a lot of life into perspective. It's weird to me but my mind always drifts towards loved ones when I'm in nature. My family, friends, even old friends will run through my mind as if I'm subconsciously reminding myself to be grateful for all the moments.
My experiences are not all deeply personal, either. I've met a great group of guys directly through hunting and developed what I believe will be life-long friendships. One buddy, Camden, I met at the trailhead before setting out one morning. We got to talking and walking and before we knew it we were cracking jokes and planning future hunts together. My other buddies, Alex & John, I met at the archery range. They were new hunters as well and I take credit for Alex's first buck (He'll never admit it). I used some still-hunting and map skills I learned from you to lead us directly into a buck where he had the clearer shot. It was then that I was able to field dress an animal myself for the first time. I carried my orange Awaken the Hunter journal in my pack all season as a little reminder to myself that I was capable. If I had not gotten the firsthand experience at your course on how to properly manage an animal, I don't know how I would've done it. You can read all the books and watch all the YouTube tutorials you want, but there is no substitute for the tactile experience. The feels, the smells, the emotions, it can be a sensory overload. I knew what to do because I had done it before. Prior to your course I didn't have that confidence.
To sum it all up and bring it home, I'm immeasurably grateful to have taken your course. In all honesty I believe it was the beginning of a life-altering manifestation for myself. I drove from SF up to Kettle Falls for the course and then from Kettle Falls to Denver through Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. I was with my mother and dog. We took our time on the drive and stopped throughout. I remember seeing parts Montana and being entirely captivated by the scenery. Throughout the trip I only bought one thing--a foldable Montana recreation map. I'd lay out the map every now and then and fantasize of high alpine basins and hearing elk bugle in the distance. Fast forward to today and I'm set for a move to Missoula next month. A job opening came up for an apparel designer of all things, which I happen to be, in Montana. I couldn't believe it. During the first interview with my future boss, I mentioned I was a novice backcountry bow hunter. He then proceeded to tell me old hunting stories and jokes from his own experiences for the next 60 minutes. We didn't even get to talk business. Anyways, I was eventually hired but I truly believe however small, we had established a personal connection because of our shared interest in hunting. Again, I don't think I would have had this experience if I hadn’t taken your course.
So, thank you and I hope to visit you sometime over the next year. Would love to help with a course or join an alumni hunt if able. I frequently consult the field and stream cartridge guide from the resources page and have bought an older Model 70 featherweight chambered in .270 that I'm excited to use.
Overall, I'm looking forward to new adventures in Montana and spending as much time outdoors simply existing.
Thanks, and take care,
Matt M., California to Missoula, Montana
“This course will change your life if you allow it”
Over the last few years, I have been on a quest of understanding my purpose; what providing truly means to me versus what we are told it means in society. That quest has taken me through a journey of self-discovery, focused on nature, being outdoors, connecting more to the land around us, growing our own food, and now, hunting. I didn’t grow up hunting, it didn’t run in my family, and I never saw the connection to it when friends would invite me to join, so I lacked just about all the skills of hunting, or so I thought.
I signed up for two very different courses this summer, one was a backcountry hunting guide school in Montana, and the other was Human Nature Hunting in Washington. What I realized very quickly after completing both courses is that the approach of the two couldn’t have been more different. To the guide school, hunting was a business, taking clients and customers out hunting, ensuring their safety, all of this was important, but what it lacked the most was the deep connection that I had been desiring my entire life. Human Nature Hunting created space for that, and so much more. For four days, I was surrounded by incredible people, incredible energy, and a purpose-driven course to bring you closer to just what the course is titled, our human nature, or ancestral connection to hunting and our source.
I cannot stress or express this enough, that this course is really for anyone all the way from never eaten meat to the experienced hunter. The reason for that is just how simple Bruce breaks down this process, how connected he is to this calling that is to teach and guide us in a caring and intimate way to our experience of hunting. This course will change your life if you allow it. It will open your perspective to the careful steps of planning, tracking, understanding the animal’s behaviors, tendencies, how to care for the animal after harvest, and honor the animal to the fullest.
These intentions, what Bruce and his team are creating there, are what separates this course from not only the guide school I went to, but anything I have come across in my years of searching for deeper connection. You will come away from this course with confidence, knowledge, but most of all that deeper sense of purpose and connection we all seek in our journey of life. I am going on my first elk hunt this year and I credit being able to do this, with confidence, in the Human Nature Hunting course.
I can’t wait to see the advanced course as all I asked was that we could stay longer, eat the amazing food they prepared for us each night and day, and really dive into these incredible learnings even more. I can’t wait to see what is on the horizon for this incredible community being built by Human Nature hunting, and to see all the lives that can be impacted by a deeper connection to the world around us, the world we are intricately connected to.
- Josh Wilson, California/North Carolina
“This was one of the most life-changing adventures in my 68 years”
I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone interested in hunting, their place in the environment or their place in the universe.
This was one of the most life-changing adventures in my 68 years. I felt like a kid at summer camp, and I loved every minute! My enjoyment started upon my arrival, when I was met by the welcoming smile and twinkling eyes of Bruce, the school’s founder and instructor. As I stood there, taking in the field, the forest, the trees, and the birds flying overhead, I felt myself unwind and exhale a breath I had been holding for a long time.
I enrolled to learn to field dress, skin, and butcher an animal. When I ate the top round I had butchered from a lamb, I felt an intense connection to the meat and to the environment that had produced it. I became aware on a visceral level of the cycle of life that plays out on our planet daily. I saw the Sun’s energy flowing into plants, then into the lamb when it ate those plants, then into me when I ate the lamb. In a less modern world, I would have gone on upon my death to feed either another predator or the soil that grew those plants, thus closing the circle. I developed a more reverent attitude toward each piece of an animal I consumed thereafter.
While that was my focus, there was much more to learn. Bruce is incredibly knowledgeable about hunting, having been a hunter his whole life. Given his intense passion for hunting and his environment, it was inevitable that the flame of that passion would catch and take fire in my own heart, as it did in the hearts of his other students. His profound desire to serve as a steward for the earth intensified a kindred desire in me. Bruce is a natural-born teacher, whose inner calm and self-possession serve as a exemplar for others. We discussed the ethics of hunting, the need to harvest surplus animals to reduce their herds to a number their habitat can support, the mechanics of the hunt, how to track and stalk prey, and the equipment and skills required for hunting. I was so excited when I hit a target at 200 yards with a high-powered rifle!
Bruce is a thoughtful, considerate teacher. He intuitively understood what each student needed to best learn what he had to teach. I have some physical limitations, and when we came to each lesson, I could see him trying to figure out how to give me the same experience as the others, even though my 68-year-old body did not work as well as theirs. I am grateful for what I got to experience because of his kindness and attentiveness.
Bruce encouraged us to settle into the forest, become still and quiet, and see ourselves as a part of nature, rather than as a part-time visitor. He teaches by example how to put oneself in accord with nature, rather than living in opposition to it, a mindset that is regrettably lacking in our culture today.
More vitally, the course contributed to my spiritual growth. Listening to Bruce speak so eloquently about the process of the hunt, and what it means to him, taught me about living a life of connection to the world around me. I learned that the success of a hunt is determined by how fully you engage in the process of the hunt rather than whether it ends with the harvest of an animal. This reinforced my belief that life is about the journey, not the destination. I learned that when you move too quickly, you may overrun or scare away what you are looking for. I learned from skinning the lamb that a little pressure will reveal where there is tension, allowing you to consciously release it. I learned that there is a rhythmic ebb and flow in our world, and that moving in accord with that can teach you about who you are as a human and spiritual being.
While Bruce was awakening the hunter within, Sarah was holding the heart of our community. She provided mouthwatering, scrumptious food, much of it from their own garden, to nourish our bodies. And she provided true hospitality, care, and comfort to nourish our souls. I will never forget her warm, loving smile or the generosity of her spirit. I feel truly blessed to have met both Sarah and Bruce.
- Martha Bohling, Superior, NE
“A unique, respectful and inclusive community … life changing…”
Bruce is building a unique, respectful and inclusive community for people who want to explore hunting, either as a new skill or a new way of life. When I initially went on the course, I was expecting an intense skill building class and some quiet time in nature but what I experienced was so much more. "Awaken the Hunter" was life changing in the way I think about game meat as a possibility in our diet.
My family has worked hard to change our diet over the years to decrease our environmental impact. As a result, our diet has evolved to mostly local seasonal vegetables with occasional fish and meat as a way to minimize our carbon footprint. Knowing the significant carbon emissions embodied in the commercially-raised meat process, I could not responsibly eat meat knowing its impact on the climate. This class provides me with a way of introducing meat back into my family's diet in an environmentally responsible way. This class sparked the process of re-establishing my connection to other animals and the environment through nature.
In addition to this paradigm shift, I loved the practical skills we learned: stalking, foraging, marksmanship, dressing and general self-reliance. Kettle Falls is a majestic place, where I could just 'be present' in a way that was much more immersive than my usual going on a hike or swimming.
The teachers are all stellar. Seeing this beautiful, wild world through the wise hunters' eyes, revealed not only their mindful insights but also the profound respect they have for the land, animals and all nature. They are committed to conservation of our wild lands in a way that rivals (or even surpasses!) some environmental lobbyist in Washington. I am proud to learn yet another way to nurture responsible stewardship of nature, especially when it involves being off trail in the woods, sleeping under the stars and sharing delicious meals with friends.
- Paulene Quigley, Seattle, WA
“There was something deeper going on”
I honestly didn’t expect a hunting course to start with a meditation exercise, but it did, and it was completely in keeping with the experience and intent behind the school that Bruce and his team have created. One exercise that stands out in my mind took place on the first day after the meditation. Our group hiked, tramped, and crashed our way noisily around the amazing property that we spent the course on. It was a typical walk in the woods that any day-hiker or backpacker would be familiar with. Immediately afterwards we were instructed to find a quiet spot on our own and just sit and listen to the forest around us, and record the feelings and emotions we felt. For the first time I realized what an intruder in this amazing environment I was. The forest was teeming with life that I was ignorantly blind to. It was a sobering moment and really brought home to me just how disconnected I was from this world, even though I had grown up in a semi-rural area.
This set the tone for the rest of the course. Sure, there was a lot of practical information shared, from map reading to how to connect with local wildlife department officials to experience using different hunting tools, but there was something deeper going on. The field dressing of a recently slaughtered sheep became a respectful process. The butchering lesson became an exercise in using almost every part of the animal. Nothing went to waste with even the gut pile being consciously left out as an offering to the local wildlife. The common theme though all of it was understanding what it means to be human and our place in the wild. Even Bruce’s brief demonstration of hand-loading rifle ammunition felt almost like a symbolic ritual.
The most interesting transformation for me was the difference I felt during the “hide and seek” exercises that book-ended the course. Split into two groups, one group hunted the other playing the part of bedded-down quarry. At the start it was a clumsy sweep through the forest looking for our friends who had simply looked for the best hiding place. By the end, both hunter and hunted had developed a deeper understanding of, connection with, and consequently respect for the animals that call the wild their home.
Having never hunted before, I truly believe that the Human Nature Hunting school and Bruce’s team (Taus’ cooking is worth signing up for on its own) have set me on the path to not just achieving my goal of creating a connection with where my food comes from, but also helping to rediscover my place in nature.
- Fintan Palmer, Seattle, WA
“This trip was the missing link”
I want to thank you for this wonderful experience. This trip was the missing link. I have fished extensively throughout my life and am accustomed to harvesting fish; however this experience exposed me to something different. I am not exactly sure of the reason, but the process of tracking, field dressing, and butchering an animal allowed me to feel an emotion that I was foreign to, as if some internal wall crumbled. This, combined with the camaraderie associated with being outdoors with a great group of people, made me understand and feel an important piece of being human that up until this trip I was only able to see. In other words, I like to believe that it awakened the hunter within me.
It is almost ironic that a hunting clinic made me take a large step towards vegetarianism... That is exactly why I believe that this feeling that your program was able to elicit is important both for the individual, as well as the future of our planet. Actively becoming part of the ecosystem, as I can do while hunting or gathering, fosters a different relationship with the forest than if I were to simply hike through it. Perhaps, if more people were allowed to feel this, it would be easier to advocate for the protection of the remaining "wild" places, while also encouraging rehabilitation for places that have already been exploited.
- Niccolo Piacentini, Milan, Italy | Seattle, WA
“A profound and unique experience”
I’ve attended both the Big Game Hunting and Turkey Hunting courses. Bruce and the team at Human Nature Hunting are a phenomenal crew. Their attention to detail, expertise, and sensitivity in promoting a deep and practical understanding of what it means to eat meat made for a profound and unique experience. In my opinion anyone who eats meat should go through this course.
- Ophir Ronen, Seattle, WA
“Pivotal to my moving forward with the decision to hunt”
The 4-day Awaken the Hunter course was pivotal to my moving forward with the decision to hunt. Before signing up for the course, I had been wrestling with perceptions I’d had of hunting culture, was struggling with being mentored by a partner who had been hunting his whole life and didn’t know how to teach another adult to hunt, and was concerned about my physical abilities to navigate through difficult terrain. There was so much I needed to learn and I was feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.
The course broke down the hunting experience into clear and manageable parts addressing everything from hard skills and safe practices to hunting culture norms and rules and regulations. I found Bruce’s style of passing on hunting knowledge to be very thoughtful and supportive of the individual learner. The conversations with Bruce and other HNHS students helped to integrate conflicting thoughts and values and convinced me that hunting was well aligned with my integrity and the vision I had for a healthy lifestyle. It also occurred to me that, in these times, our society needs to see examples that contradict stereotypes. Maybe a few more female, progressive, environmentalists with fishing and hunting skills would be good for us.
Since the course I’ve been deer hunting each year and have salvaged deer using the new WA law that came into force in 2016. In the fall of 2018 I bought a left handed lightweight hunting rifle, a big game combination license, and access to timber properties near Forks on the Olympic Peninsula in preparation for the opening of Elk hunting season. Elk hunting was as harrowing as I thought it might be and I was thankful to have the leadership and support of an experienced hunter and the skills gained at the course and over the last few years hunting deer. The hunt included so much responsibility — especially weighty was maximizing the value of the harvest. It’s a responsibility I’ll be continuing to carry (and enjoy) until the last piece of elk meat is unwrapped from butcher paper.
- Beth Berglund, Olympic Peninsula, WA
“Transformative, changed my opinion of hunters”
I can't say enough good things about Bruce and Human Nature Hunting. I came into the class with zero hunting experience, but after spending 4 days with Bruce I felt confident enough to venture into the woods in search of game.
Bruce brings together the things about hunting I feel are difficult to approach, like gutting, skinning and butchering, tracking game in the field, and even the complex rules and regulations surrounding hunting. His approach is extremely respectful of our natural world and the animals we hunt, which isn't something I ever expected when I thought about a "hunting class."
Bruce certainly helped change my opinion of hunters in general and I gained a tremendous amount of respect for him and his colleagues. It really was transformative for me and I'm so happy I did it. Human Nature Hunting has a good thing going. Awaken the Hunter.
- Ian Sloan, Anacortes, WA
“A holistic introduction to hunting in a family atmosphere”
When it comes to awakening the hunter in children, we adults are a lot more anxious than we should be (as we are these days about most things related to our kids!). Your program reminded me that what we fear might shock, concern or sadden our children, are in fact inherent aspects of life, death and nature -- for which children have an intuitive understanding. Therefore, they embrace your teaching wholeheartedly, with a spirit that our "civilized" culture usually stamps out of us by the time we are adults.
I was particularly pleased that my son received a holistic introduction to hunting in a family atmosphere -- and that your program included everything from knife sharpening, animal processing, map reading and firearm safety. I will recommended it highly to family and friends. We would return again without a second thought!
- David & William, Mendoza, Argentina
“Ideal opportunity to immerse ourselves in this journey”
My teenage son and I had the pleasure of joining Bruce for a private hunting course. Bruce is passionate about his craft and a consummate professional, approaching hunting with a deep respect for its history and tradition. He patiently and painstakingly shared his knowledge and enthusiasm for hunting with us. It was an ideal opportunity to immerse ourselves in this journey both practically and philosophically.
From the smells and sounds of butchering the lamb, and feelings of being out West in the woods and mountains, to the views from the porch and the tastes of the gourmet food, it was a unique combination of experiences tied together tastefully and holistically.
We would highly recommend anyone interested in developing a firm foundation in big game hunting to consider working with Bruce.
- Ajay & Alec, New Jersey
“Realigned my soul and shifted my priorities”
My son, Parker and I both had an extremely memorable time with you and would definitely do it again and recommend your school to others. The time we spent together actually changed me, Bruce, and it is difficult to explain. Our time together realigned my soul and shifted my priorities, almost as though a window opened inside me that I did not know existed. It all started on a trip to Alaska this summer, which is how I found out about you and your school. Hunting was always a mystery that I felt I would never be able to learn about not having been taught as a child. You made it accessible and highly educational, creating a confidence in me that I thought I would never get. My 12-year-old son has ADHD and took to your training better than I ever thought. You showed patience with him that made his time something he will talk about for a long time to come.
I’m a yogi and mostly vegan, and many of my vacations are spiritual retreats in India. Never did I think I would attend a hunting school and actually be totally open to hunting as a way of life and source for food. The meat one hunts for simply cannot be compared to the meat one purchases, however conscious that meat is. Furthermore I will go so far as to say that eating wild meat can actually be compared to the vegan lifestyle to which I am accustomed. You presented hunting not as a sport but as a way of tuning in and connecting to the natural environment, living in harmony with nature.
One story you told really framed your approach, how you talked about traipsing around in the woods for hours through the snow enduring all sorts of physical hardships when finally you came upon a buck. You got it in your sights and were about to pull the trigger when something didn’t feel right…so you let it go. That story made me realize what a sacred act hunting can be. I also appreciate how you taught us to use all parts of the animal and waste nothing.
Please let me know when the next class is, and this time I want to bring both of my kids.
- Lokeshwar, Ross, CA
Ps. Taus is a culinary God, and having that level of food set you apart and in a league of your own. The food was better than available in most restaurants, and to have that level of food out in the wild is simply epic!
“The effect this experience had on me was profound”
What an experience this was. First, the practical. We sighted in rifles and practiced marksmanship. We walked through the woods simulating the pace of a hunt and looking for animal signs, and later, practiced following a blood trail. We gutted, skinned, and butchered an animal. This is largely what I had expected of the course, and it delivered. Bruce is a fount of knowledge and an exceptionally careful and patient teacher. On these points alone, I would recommend this course to anyone with an interest, or even a curiosity, in big game hunting.
But the course went far beyond the practical. I read once, somewhere (the source eludes me), that an anthropologist had classified hunters as one of the most closed social groups in America. By and large, hunting is inherited, leaving those of us who are not from hunting families or communities with few points of entry. With this school, Bruce and John open a door that is usually closed to those of us who, like myself, did not grow up hunting. They do this by literally opening the door of their home and inviting people in. We shot targets and butchered meat and studied maps, but we also sat on the porch and around the dinner table and talked. Bruce and John and their fantastically knowledgeable guest speakers chatted and told stories. They talked about the nuts and bolts of hunting, yes, but also about the ethics, and the emotion: what it means to kill something, how it feels, and how to regard those feelings.
How do you relate to other living things, and to death itself, including your own? What does it mean to be a carnivore at this point in history, and how do we make the decision to be one? While more esoteric than the skills portion of the course, these hours of stories and discussions were more valuable than I can express. Through their stories, Bruce and John were bringing strangers into a rich and heretofore mysterious world. I found it to be an act of deep generosity and love, and for that I thank them.
The effect this experience had on me was profound. It gave me the confidence to go out deer hunting a few times in October. While there were no shots taken, every day felt like a success in its own way. I found it to be a wonderful new way to be outside, and to explore my backyard, and I'm excited to keep learning.
- Noelle O’Reilly, Leavenworth, WA
“Much needed for the state of my soul”
I cannot thank you enough for the course and the experience. It was at once a retreat and a time of learning for me and much needed for the state of my soul (in the language of my people) so to speak. I very much enjoyed the conversations and the time with you, your dad, and your friends. Honestly I’d sign up again for the course just to have the time with you folks…
Since completing your course, I have been dreaming about hunting and my time at your place, which is an endorsement for how it touched me even if I don’t yet have the words for it fully… When I started surfing (which changed my life!) I often dreamed of surfing (still do) so it says a lot about how you and the course touched me. I’d love to do your spring course as well schedule permitting.
- Mark Cordes, San Francisco, CA
“I really enjoyed the hands-on instruction in the field dressing game - overall a wonderful experience”
The setting at the cabin was spectacular. The cuisine, I won’t call it just food, was superb. I particularly enjoyed the expert guest instructors. They were very thorough in their fields and friendly and open in their instruction. I also enjoyed the camaraderie of the other guests. They were all thoughtful and considerate, free with their experiences and willing to share. Most of all, I really enjoyed the hands-on instruction in field dressing game. Just what I was looking for! Overall a wonderful experience.
- Lynn Miskin, Tacoma, WA
“Hunting as a way to connect with nature, and with our own human nature”
The spring course gave me everything I needed to launch into big game hunting this fall. Bruce and his staff explained how to find game, where to find the rules of the hunt, what to consider when selecting a rifle and ammunition, and how to field dress, quarter and butcher an animal. With that foundation, I was able to purchase and practice with a rifle, find a place to hunt, pack for a successful backpack hunt, and spend 3 days in the high alpine wilderness pursuing a deer.
My favorite part of the course was the camaraderie of the group. That process started with the individuals who chose to attend. Everyone was interested in hunting as a way to connect with nature, and with our own human nature. And then undertaking the adventure of learning about (or teaching) hunting skills built camaraderie among the group.
The most memorable part of the course was the food--the sights, smells and flavors. The front shoulder roasted in the net was a novel and very cool way to use a part that rarely gets eaten. I won't forget the sight of locally foraged greens and seared elk steaks all served on cast iron pans on the Coleman stove.
The aha moment: Visiting with the WDFW biologist and learning that they are willing and able to share information with individuals.
- Nina Mitchell, Bainbridge Island, WA
“A masterful job of demystifying the hunt”
Hunting can seem like a deeply mysterious and intimidating process. I had always wanted to learn the ins and outs of it, but without growing up in a hunting family I had very few places to turn. Bruce and his co-instructors at HNHS did a masterful job of demystifying the hunt while also capturing the primal timelessness of why we do it. Our course included in-depth conversations on hunting ethics and wildlife conservation without skimping on the tactical details of how to execute a successful hunting trip from beginning to end.
Field dressing really stuck with me the most. This is probably because it's the most intimidating and mystifying part of the experience for me, and it naturally brings out some very primal feelings in the process. I feel a million times more capable and comfortable with the entire hunting process simply as a result of learning this skill set alone.
I cannot recommend this course enough. I've been trying to find something like it for ages, and Bruce has managed to craft his knowledge into the perfect offering. With his help, I've gained a lifelong hobby and taken the first steps toward reconnecting with the ecosystem I live in.
- Joe McNulty, Seattle, WA
“Incredible memories for Rachel and me”
I have been looking for a way to get in touch with nature and learn how to successfully and safely learn about hunting. Having not grown up hunting, the idea of just going out into the woods with a deer tag didn't sit well with me. Also, I very much wanted to learn while having my daughter be a part of this journey. And no, I wasn't looking to just go shoot a trophy deer on a guided trip.
I learned about the HNHS by way of the staff at Outdoor Emporium. One of the guys spoke very highly of the McGlenn family. So I did my research and spoke with Bruce numerous times. It is a huge step driving someplace you have never been with your child to learn about hunting! Bruce answered all of my questions and engaged me on what I was looking to learn. That was enough to get my daughter and me enrolled.
The experience that we had in Kettle Falls has created some incredible memories for Rachel and me. In fact, my Father's Day gift this year was a book that Rachel created (with Mom's help) detailing our time there and what we learned. We both came away with some incredible new skills. The detailed portion on processing your animal was amazing and literally a start to finish task. I now understand the preparation needed for what happens after you make the kill. Rachel did struggle at first with the idea of killing in order to get meat. I am glad she did and understood that connection between "Life" and what we put into our bodies and how that meat sustains us. This is something that our culture has lost certainly with regard to food being so readily available at the grocery store. The beauty of this process was that Rachel came to it in her time through the help of those at the school, without being forced. Having made that decision then to join in she readily went to work with processing and by the end couldn't wait to get to the grinder with the meat.
I simply can't say enough about Bruce and the school (concept) that he is offering to his students at his cabin. There is NO ONE doing what the HNHS is doing with regard to hunt tactics, hunt preparation, overall safety, processing, etc. with such passion and humility. This is one of those experiences that you will never forget and to be able to include your child in that process is amazing. This school is geared so well to children because it is indeed more of an outdoor skills school. By going out into the forest and foraging for your vegetables/roots and breaking down your own meat, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you can feed yourself in healthy ways.
- Michael Nelson, Seattle, WA
“Transformative Experience”
I had a life-changing time participating in Awakening the Hunter.
I can't more highly recommend this experience, especially for those who wish to explore their relationship with the hunt, nature and themselves.
Words can't do justice to this amazing and transformative experience, and I greatly look forward to attending their future offerings. Much gratitude for all who make this possible.
- Nick Vail, Seattle, WA
“Unwavering commitment to teach others”
As an aspiring new hunter in 2007, I met Bruce McGlenn who shared his multi-skilled approach to the craft and passion of hunting big game, his stories of physically challenging pursuits and his unwavering commitment to teach others to embrace the value of our outdoor experiences. Just hearing the level of effort to prepare, encouraging safe marksmanship skills by practice and the reality of earning that notch in a game tag through personal responsibility jutted me forward in annual pursuit.
I often enjoy the feeling of pride that comes from a resurging confidence now that I have experienced the reward of tucking that sacred, red meat into my own freezer by a well-placed shot – the capstone to a thoughtful and engaged pursuit in the wild.
- Kristie Miller, Tacoma, WA
“Opportunity to delve into the life of a hunter”
I never thought I’d get the opportunity to delve into the life of a hunter before this course. You really demystified the whole process, and it gave me a better idea of what I'm ready to take on and how I'd like to restructure my life. I have met hunters, and heard conversations in passing, but this was the first chance I’ve had to see the reasoning and passion behind the choices and decisions made based on ethics. Having spent a good part of my life adhering to a vegetarian diet, I never imagined myself rolling up my sleeves and processing a deer until you thoughtfully presented me and the others the opportunity. I also don’t think I’ll go back to ever seeing homemade meals quite the same either. :) You’ve convinced me through my stomach that this is really worth it.
- Erin Floersheim
“Hunting as a conscious practice”
I strongly recommend this program to anyone interested in hunting as a conscious practice. I learned a lot about all aspects of hunting from start to finish, and I have a much better sense of how the practical aspects of hunting are entwined with ethical, spiritual, and global issues. Bruce is an excellent instructor and he's put together a strong supporting cast of kind, patient, and experienced guides. To top it all off, the food was great, I had a lot of fun, and made some new friends in the process.
- Robert Lee, Whidbey Island, WA
“Deep respect for the animals”
Alex and I had a great time learning and hunting with Bruce. We were almost complete newbies when we headed out with him to his hunting grounds, and we left at the end of the day with the knowledge of how to set decoys, clean ducks, and many other skills you can't learn very well on your own. Bruce has a deep respect for the animals and the land, and we have a tremendous respect for him. For those of us who weren't lucky enough to learn from a family member, this was a great opportunity to start to gain the practical skills necessary to build confidence and enjoy the hunt in a safe, ethical way.
- Eric & Alexandra, Seattle, WA